Frequently Asked Questions

Longmeadow Homeowners Association Q & A

Does Longmeadow have a Homeowners Association?

Yes, when the builders association completed the community they turned the governance of the community

over to the LHA. A certificate of Incorporation was completed 4/16/1999 making the turnover complete.

There are 243 lots in the association.


 Is Longmeadow a Deed Restricted community?

Yes, the Deed Restrictions, Bi-Laws and Certificate of incorporation can all be found at

under HOA Information


Does LHA own any land?

 No. All common area in the community is owned by the City of Middletown


Who maintains the streets, pays for street lighting, collects trash, pays for snow removal, and cuts

the grass on common land?

The city of Middletown. They can be contacted as needed at


Who installed and is responsible for the upkeep of the playground equipment, drainage areas

and retention ponds?

The city of Middletown. They can be contacted as needed at


What physical assets does the LHA have to maintain?

The LHA is responsible to maintain upgrades to common land including signage, trees, landscaping,

and structures (like a gazebo).


Are there association dues?

 Yes, but they vary from year to year. 2010-$0, 2011-$0, 2012-$100, 2013-$116, 2014-$0, 2015-$0, 2016-$0, 2017-$25, 2018-$25


Who is responsible for the sidewalk and tress in front of a home?

 The homeowner.


What is the LHA Board of directors?

It is a group of 5 people that are elected at the annual meeting each year to fill a one year term and serve

the interests of the association.